How to stitch a biscornu
A biscornu is basically a fancy pincushion, but many stitchers use them as ornaments, door hangers, scissor decoration, clothes parfumer or other decorations.
Here you will find a step by step tutorial to stitch your own biscornu!
Step 1 - Complete all cross-stitch and backstitch of the front and back of the biscornu. Remeber to not flip 90° your work while stitchinh, or the stitches will not go all in the same direction! You can flip your pattern only 180°. I usually use a pin to mark the top of the work, especially when I work with patterns that have the same design an all the four corners, so I can always see which one is the right direction.
Step 2 - Cut both pieces leaving approximately 1/2" of fabric from the sewing line on all sides, then fold the edges along the outer backstitch sewing line towards the back of your stitching.
Step 3 - Use a pin to mark the middle of the front side, then thread your needle with one or two strands of floss (same color ofbackstitching line).
Step 4 - Make a little knot and join the corner of the back with the middle of the other side you have previously marked.
Step 5 - Start assembling your biscornu by passing your needle through the backstitches of both parts from top to bottom in a sewing motion, using taut and tiny stitches (not too tight), make sure to pick up the backstitches only.
Step 6 - Continue stitching all around, you will notice that your work is becoming an eight-sided pillow.
Stop stitching when you have completed the sixth or seventh side, this is up to you, it is just for leaving a hole for stuffing.
Step 7 - Stuff the biscornu, then continue stitching to close the open side(s). Pass your needle inside the biscornu and secure your thread with a hidden knot, do not leave visible threads.
Step 8 - Choose two buttons of your choice. Sew on your buttons in the center of front and back, you should pass the needle from button to button crossing the biscornu through the center, keep your thread taut
Your biscornu is finished!
I'd really love this pattern, what is this called please?? I've done the mad hatter bis corny and I'm hooked
Thank you! This is the "Only this and nothing more" biscornu from our Edgar Allan Poe Series!