Various questions
202 vote(s)
You can use it during the checkout. Click on the cart icon on the top menu, so you will be brought on your cart review page. At the end of your cart, just near the "Grand Total", there is a box... -
44 vote(s)
Starting from January 1st 2015, Europe has new laws about VAT (value-added tax) on digital goods sold in the European market. The rules state that businesses selling digital goods and delivering them ... -
42 vote(s)
We regret that due to the nature of digital files, we cannot offer refunds on our digital products once the PDF has been downloaded. -
35 vote(s)
Our Company is located in Italy. According to the Italian law, we are obliged to issue a regular invoice for every item we sell, that has - by law - to include the buyer name and address. Your data...

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